Transactions on Social Computing
A New ACM Journal
Editor-in-Chief: David McDonald, University of Washington, USA

INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS ACM Transactions on Social Computing (TSC) seeks to publish work that covers the full spectrum of social computing including theoretical, empirical, systems, and design research contributions. The editorial perspective is that social computing is fundamentally about computing systems and techniques in which users interact, directly or indirectly, with what they believe to be other users or other users’ contributions. TSC welcomes research employing a wide range of methods to advance the tools, techniques, understanding, and practice of social computing, including: theoretical, algorithmic, empirical, experimental, qualitative, quantitative, ethnographic, design, and engineering research. Social computing will continue to be shaped by foundational algorithmic, econometric, psychological, sociological, and social science research and these broad based perspectives will continue to have a profound influence on how social computing systems are designed, built and how they grow. TSC particularly solicits research that designs, implements or studies systems that mediate social interactions among users, or that develops or studies theory or techniques for application in those systems. Examples of such social computing systems include, but are not limited to: instant messaging, blogs, wikis, social networks, social tagging, social recommenders, collaborative editors and shared repositories. The scope of research covered within TSC includes:
- Understanding motivations for contributing to and participating in social computing systems
- Tools that help users understand the individual and collective roles of participants in social computing systems
- The influence of scale; how differing scales of human and machine participation changes the designs and adoptions of systems
- Micro-tasking systems and techniques for decomposing complex activities into recomposable tasks that can be completed by mixtures of people and machines
- System architectures and infrastructure for developing social computing platforms
- Foundational algorithmic analysis that accounts for human and machine data and runtime complexity
- The roles of artificial agents in social computing spaces, the design, creation, and management of those agents relative to social interactions within a social computing system
- Research on privacy mechanisms — both formal and interactive — related to social computing data and systems
- Research on algorithms for personalization within a social computing context, including recommender systems and social matchmaking systems
- Research on crowdsourcing, collaborative content creation, productive social gaming, and other mechanisms and applications of aggregating individual contributions for a collective goal
- Research studying communications patterns in online communication forums
- Ethnographic case studies of social computing in situ
- Algorithms for extracting knowledge from social computing usage data and artifacts
Associate Editors
- Michael Bernstein, Stanford University, USA
- Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh, USA
- Meeyoung Cha, KAIST, Korea
- Yiling Chen, Harvard University, USA
- Ed Chi, Google, USA
- Kevin Crowston, Syracuse University, USA
- Laura Dabbish, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- Steven Dow, University of California, San Diego, USA
- Boi Faltings, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
- Rosta Farzan, University of Pittsburgh, USA
- Sue Fussell, Cornell University, USA
- Liz Gerber, Northwestern University, USA
- Arpita Ghosh, Cornell University, USA
- Ramesh Jain, University of California, Irvine, USA
- Karrie Karahalios, University of Illinois, USA
- David Karger, MIT, USA
- Emre Kiciman, Microsoft Research, USA
- Joe Konstan, University of Minnesota, USA
- Cliff Lampe, University of Michigan, USA
- Huan Liu, Arizona State University, USA
- David Millen, IBM Research, Brazil
- Marc Smith, Connected Action, consulting, USA
- Daniel Zeng, University of Arizona, USA