Project Members
Eero Aalto
Doctoral candidate at Aalto University Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Research in strategic management – Technological and institutional change and implications for firm strategy
Role in the project: Working on telecommunications industry: Nonmarket strategy, internationalization and strategy work.
Twitter: @EeroAalto1
Rickard Björnemalm
Research assistant (soon-to-be PhD student) at Stockholm School of Economics
Rickard is a soon-to-be Ph.D. student whose research focus lies between economic and business history, strategic management and organization, and political economy. In particular, focusing on historical corporatization trajectories in state-owned and state-managed enterprises.In addition, focusing on the role of mergers and acquisitions in shaping these trajectories. Rickard also has an interest in digital history methods and archival research methods.
Role in the project: Currently a research assistant, and soon-to-be Ph.D. student working with collecting, digitizing, coding, and analyzing Swedish archival data.
Google Scholar
Dr. Zeerim Cheung 
Lecturer (Assistant Professor), The University of Sydney, Discipline of International Business
Zeerim Cheung’s research focuses on strategy and the relationship between firms, states, and institutions, such as corporate political strategies, state-owned enterprises, and social movements. He also has broad methodological interests such as historical methods, qualitative comparative analysis, and topic modeling. He is the co-organizer of the HiMOS series.
Role in the project: Chairperson of the board of DIGIHIST. The main administrator of the database.
Google Scholar
Twitter: @Zeerim
Dr. Robin Gustafsson
Associate Professor of Strategic Management
Aalto University, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Robin Gustafsson’s research focuses on strategy, organization, and policy in industry and market disruptions. His recent research explores digitalization and platform economy, specifically how industries are disrupted, sources of competitive advantage in the digital age, platform and data business models, open science and innovation, and agile strategy work. Robin is an expert in flipped classroom and experienced-based learning methods, and a skilled user of the Harvard case teaching method, and the LEGO® Serious Play® facilitation method.
Role in the project: Founding and current member of the board of DIGIHIST. Working jointly with the DIGHIST consortium members on cutting-edge advanced digital history methods and approaches with relational databases for studying more rigorously strategy and organization processes that can account for firm environment effects.
Aalto People page
Twitter: @robingustafs
Dr. Erik Lakomaa
Associate Professor in Economic History, Stockholm School of Economics, and Executive Director of the Institute for Economic and Business History Research (EHFF).
PhD in Economic History from Stockholm School of Economics, Erik is primarily doing research in business history and institutional economics, mainly focused on how organizations (public and private) have reacted to external change (new legislation, new technology). He has previously written on the media industry, telecommunications, advertising, public-private cooperation, and public sector reform.
Role in the project: Founding and current member of the board of DIGIHIST.
Dr. Pasi Nevalainen
Academy Research Fellow, Aalto University, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Role in the project: Member of the board of DIGIHIST.
Dr. Rasmus Nykvist
Affiliate researcher at the House of Innovation, Stockholm School of Economics and the Ratio Institute in Stockholm
Rasmus Nykvist’s research focuses on processes of change in institutions and organizations. His main interest lies in studying the historical interaction between regulation and technology and its impact on such processes.
Role in the project: Working on multiple papers all related to our data on Swedish financial exchanges and/or our research methodology. This includes studies on the entrant options exchange OM, incumbent monopoly Stockholm Stock Exchange and a comparative study with Stockholm Stock Exchange and the Helsinki Stock Exchange.
Dr. Christian Sandström
Senior Associate Professor at Jönköping University, Jönköping International Business School and the Ratio Institute
Interested in the interplay between technological and institutional change.
Role in the project: Founding and current member of the board of DIGIHIST. Working on how entrants and incumbent firms differ in their non-market strategies.