Tarot Cards

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Antique Anatomy Tarot Deck
Object date 2013
Place of Origin Toronto, Canada
Designer Claire Goodchild
Manufacturer Quarto Publishing plc., Printed in China
Materials paperboard, illustrated with collage technique, combining old ink drawings of anatomy with colorful botanical illustrations

by student Emilia Kiialainen

This particular deck of tarot cards has made its way from niche market to mainstream. The deck, illustrated by Claire Woodchild, a devoted tarot enthusiast herself, is sold throughout the world in such marketplaces as Urban Outfitters and Etsy. Claire first illustrated this deck in 2013 and has gained 81K followers on Instagram and her own tarot card reading podcast since (“Black and the Moon”, 2020).

In 2020, tarot cards represent self-development. The trend of ‘mystical’ or spiritual practices has spread with health-conscious influencers on social media. Live online tarot group readings are the most recent phenomenon. Intuitively picking a card is a ritual that both connects or ‘grounds’ to the now and uplifts or ‘divines’ the spirit.

Black and the Moon. (2020). Retrieved 10 December 2020, from https://black-and-the-moon.myshopify.com/


Image by Claire Woodchild / Instagram account @blackandthemoon

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