Week 42

Writing about Period I in general, I think the lectures have been interesting. It has really shown that the lecturers are passionate about the things they’re teaching. The exercise session where we molded a brain out of play-doh was a little “random” but also fun, so I’m not complaining. -Martti


The pace of the course is maybe a bit too fast for me as for example a few weeks ago you were supposed to study chapters 8-10 for a lecture. That’s over 100 pages of intense material. In addition, if you didn’t have time to study the chapters it was hard to follow the lecture as the topics had to be covered so fast. On the other hand, I think this is the most interesting course I have taken during my studies and I really enjoy it. – Kyösti


The brain exercise this week was fun. – Kyösti


What would you say is the single most important topic that we’ve learned on the course so far? So what is the number one thing about the brain to keep in mind going forward? -Martti

Apparently, there have been studies that COVID-19 has long term effects on the brain. What kind of effects are there and how serious do you think they are? – Kyösti

I learned about different parts of the brain in the exercise session and was wondering if we could build a brain using different colors for each main part. Now we only had 3 colors so different parts were mixed up a little bit. -Martti

I already knew about cerebellum, cerebral cortex and some other main parts of the brain. Through learning about other parts and their functions, I could connect the new information to my old knowledge. -Martti

I thought the cerebellum isn’t that important, but it apparently holds 80 % of all the neurons. So that’s a conflict. -Martti

Related to Martti’s thought, I wasn’t aware that the neurons of the brain are so concentrated. – Kyösti

Why is knowing different parts of the brain so important? Because knowing the terminology and functions of different parts properly helps a lot in the more in-depth studies that are coming later. -Martti


Why are there so many parts in the brain? Why has the brain developed into the current form? How do you think the brain could evolve further? – Kyösti